Barcode Text
Barcode Type
Length of Protruding Stripes at Bottom
ITF14 Frame Size
ITF14 Quiet Zone Size
Bar Width
Bar Height
Left and Right MarginWhy do we need to reserve margin around the barcode?
Top and Bottom Margin
More Settings
Outer Border Size
Bar Color
Background Color
Outer Border RadiusValid when the [Outer Border Size] is greater than 0
Outer Border ColorValid when the [Outer Border Size] is greater than 0
Outer Border TypeValid when the [Outer Border Size] is greater than 0
there is no Footnote text, so using barcode text instead of displaying.
Fontnote Text
Font Size
Text SpacingThe distance between two characters
Margin Size
Horizontal Position
Vertical Position
Font Color
Font Style
Text Line Type
Add-text is empty, so Add-text in barcode is not displayed.
Add-text 1
Font Size
Text SpacingThe distance between two characters
Margin sizeWhen setting a negative value, it can be displayed in parallel with adjacent footnotes
Horizontal Position
Vertical Position
Auto Wrap WidthValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Auto Wrap Line-HeightValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Font Color
Font Style
Text Line Type
Add-text is empty, so Add-text in barcode is not displayed.
Add-text 2
Font Size
Text SpacingThe distance between two characters
Margin sizeWhen setting a negative value, it can be displayed in parallel with adjacent footnotes
Horizontal Position
Vertical Position
Auto Wrap WidthValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Auto Wrap Line-HeightValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Font Color
Font Style
Text Line Type
Add-text is empty, so Add-text in barcode is not displayed.
Add-text 3
Font Size
Text SpacingThe distance between two characters
Margin sizeWhen setting a negative value, it can be displayed in parallel with adjacent footnotes
Horizontal Position
Vertical Position
Auto Wrap WidthValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Auto Wrap Line-HeightValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Font Color
Font Style
Text Line Type
Add-text is empty, so Add-text in barcode is not displayed.
Add-text 4
Font Size
Text SpacingThe distance between two characters
Margin sizeWhen setting a negative value, it can be displayed in parallel with adjacent footnotes
Horizontal Position
Vertical Position
Auto Wrap WidthValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Auto Wrap Line-HeightValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Font Color
Font Style
Text Line Type
Add-text is empty, so Add-text in barcode is not displayed.
Add-text 5
Font Size
Text SpacingThe distance between two characters
Margin sizeWhen setting a negative value, it can be displayed in parallel with adjacent footnotes
Horizontal Position
Vertical Position
Auto Wrap WidthValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Auto Wrap Line-HeightValid when [auto wrap] is enabled
Font Color
Font Style
Text Line Type
Reset Barcode
License Code
No Barcode Text
Please input barcode text at the top of the left column.
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